
Monday, October 17, 2005

Credit Report Repair - Treat Yourself


Another nugget from my upcoming book on Credit Report Repair:

Credit Report Repair is hard work and daunting as well. Once in a while, as you reach a milestone, you need to reward yourself. You should do this through some means that do not involve debt or money. If you repay your credit card bill, there is no sense in running up that bill again on a shopping trip.

Instead, you should list some inexpensive and fun treats you could give yourself. Keep this list wherever you keep your financial file. As you reach a big milestone, take out your list and immediately reward yourself with one of the items on the list. This will not only keep you motivated, but it will inexpensively keep you from feeling too deprived while you work on your credit score.

Johncy Edward
Your Trusted Credit Score/Credit Repair Guru

PS: It goes without saying, if you want to get hold of this life changing information, contact me immediately so that I can give you a great deal.


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