
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Credit Report Repair - Auto Insurance


Do you think auto insurance has anything to do with credit report repair and to improve credit score?

To Win at Auto Insurance Game, Shoot for the Best Credit Score

By shooting for the best score, you can qualify for the best policies, and that is truly how you win at the insurance game.

To Win at Auto Insurance Game, Shoot for the Best Credit Score

Johncy Edward
Your Trusted Credit Repair/Score Guru

Credit Report Repair - part time Income


One more nugget for you to chew on from my upcoming book on credit report repair:

Credit Report Repair - part time Income
While you are repairing your credit, you will want to channel as much money as you can into savings and debt repayment. For this, having a second income or even just a few hundred dollars a month more can mean that you get your credit into shape faster.

Johncy Edward
Your Trusted Credit Score/Credit Repair Guru

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